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Something borrowed part 5


We have a photographer!!! She is lovely. So easy to talk to and get along with and I think that is so vital for someone that's going to play such a massive intimate role in your big day. We have paid the deposit with subsequent payments due nearer the wedding. I must get a diary to note what's due when, there's lots of payment dates now.

We did come across one big issue when meeting with our photographer and that was our 4pm wedding. As I mentioned previously the 2pm slot had gone with the registrar so we went for 4pm. When we told the photographer this she was concerned that there would not be enough time to get all of the photos that we want in the time we have got. Although I would like more natural photos of the day, fly on the wall style, I have family travelling from all across the UK and the world to attend and I do want some formal shots with them. I would also like to spend some time getting photos of myself my partner and my daughter alone. With each formal shot taking on average 15 minutes my photographer suggests 2 hours minimum but 3 if possible for photos. With a 4pm wedding this is not possible and would sadly mean I may not get the photos I want and the day may seem rushed to fit everything in. So we made the decision to contact the registrar and re-book. We had to pay just shy of £40 but we shall now be getting married at 12pm. Yay! I'm a whole 4 hours closer to my big day.

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