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How far in advance should you think about skin care before your wedding?

On any wedding day all eyes and cameras are on the beautiful bride! With a camera in your face all day some of you may be worried about your skin looking its best and how far in advance you should start thinking about this.

Here at Forever&Always we have spoken to two recent brides and a professional makeup artist so you know all you need to about skincare in the lead up to your wedding.

Newly wed Indre Kennedy, 23, top skin care tips for flawless wedding photos were: "Try not to have any big nights out a few weeks before the wedding, [my] hen night was about 3 weeks prior. [I] had a facial done, moisturised and for a couple days before I was putting on a moisturising lotion with a slight tint of tan. Unlike a fake tan/spray tan it doesn't affect dry areas of skin and isn't as obviously dark."

Newly wed Vanessa Peasey, 24, said: "Because of my back ground in beauty therapy I was aware I needed to take care of my skin before the big day. However, having little ones to run around after makes me I forget I need to look after myself. I did, however, tackle my flare up of bad skin on my face just in time! I started with sun beds, I underwent a few facial peels - very low intensity not what you initially think of a chemical peel as that could have made my skin look worse so close to the wedding. I didn’t wear make up for about a month before which was a huge step for me. But, the more I did it the more I felt comfortable in my own skin - as it began to improve."

We also spoke to professional make up artist, Eleanor Dover, owner of Pocketful of Posies Make Up. Eleanor, 28, says she has always been 'obsessed' with makeup and her friends had encouraged her to make it a profession.

In regards to skin care her advice is:

1. As soon as you know you're getting married you need to have your skin care routine figured out. It gives you time to work out what works for you and if you have any reactions to anything and if anything causes a breakout at least it's not a few weeks before the big day.

2. Make sure you're using the right products for your skin type but at the same time don't use so much that you strip the natural oils from your skin. Particularly if you're an oily skin type as dehydrating the skin will make it produce more oil. One of my favourite moisturisers is the Charlotte Tilbury magic cream (available here) . It's pricey but lasts for ages. Also the Clinique hydroblur moisturiser (available here) as it's not greasy at all.

3. On the day a good translucent powder and setting spray always works for me.

Check out some of Eleanor's work below. To contact her for more information visit her Facebook page:

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