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Planning a wedding when you have anxiety

Wedding nerves are normal. Most brides get them but for, anxiety sufferer, Marie Sutherland her condition has made the nerves of wedding planning ten times worse.

Marie, 29, is getting married in August 2018 but as she suffers with anxiety even the small decisions of her wedding planning have been a struggle.

Below: Marie Sutherland's engagement ring. She did not want images of her shared.

Marie has suffered with anxiety since she was 14 years old. She said: "Just making small decisions is really tough as I start doubting if I made the right choice and worrying about what others will think."

For some of us wedding dress shopping is something we dream of since we were little girls. This was not the case for Marie. She said "I hated the whole experience and couldn't wait to leave. I ended up ordering my dress off Amazon to avoid having to go back to any more shops. I'm absolutely dreading having to go through dress fittings with a complete stranger."

Marie thought she'd had one stress taken off her hands when her bridesmaids offered to organise her hen party but even that has been a struggle as she doesn't know the plans.

"My hen night is proving difficult at the moment. I'm looking forward to it but also dreading the massive crowds and trying to please everybody. I'm still not 100% sure on what the plans are. I'm constantly stressing about everything and my heart always feels like it's trying to pound it's way through my chest. The troubles with the hen night have made me want to cancel it and not have one at all. I wish I had planned it myself."

Marie has found ways to cope with her anxiety to make her wedding planning a little bit easier.

She said: "Amazon, Ebay, Etsy and Wish have been life savers as I haven't had to leave the house. I have done a lot of DIY for my wedding. To calm my nerves I've been doing a wedding cross stitch, diamond paintings, colouring and reading. I'm still suffering bad but these do help. I've got an assessment in a few weeks with a therapist to see what the next plan of action is so I'm hoping this helps."

The one thing helping Marie through the most though is having a supportive partner.

"At first I hid it from everybody. Now my partner knows but didn't understand at first and just thought I was over tired but he is now being amazing and helping me through. We're just taking things a day at a time."

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