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Something Borrowed Part 3

The wedding fair was great for very different reasons.

Firstly, we met the cake lady again and Chris (Husband-to-be) liked her too. We have now booked in to see her and chose what we want for the cake.

Secondly, we met lots of different photographers all of whom we didn’t like so it has shown us that we should stick with our gut and go with the lady we met originally.

Thirdly, we entered a competition and won £150 towards our wedding rings!!!!

Now, as promised, a discussion about the dress. This is the bit that terrifys me the most. I am not a slim girl, I have bits that wobble and a lovely overhang since having my daughter last year. Therefore the thought of squeezing all those bits of flab into a white dress is horrifying. Not only that but I also have the complexion of a ghost so I fear that the mixture of my complexion, a white dress and those awful dressing room lights is going to be truly hideous. Yet it is a must, so armed with some dutch courage (only the one glass of course) I shall waddle on down to the dress shop. One thing I know for sure is you are not getting me into anything that’s ‘mermaid tailed’ im sorry and I hope I don’t offend anyone in saying this but I just don’t think they look good on bigger women i.e women who are not stick thin and with legs up to their eye balls. I shall be looking for something less figure hugging that covers the areas I dislike the most, but I shall be going in with an open mind.

I have not done much online research about dresses as I don’t want to go in with the perfect dress in my mind only to try it on, look in the mirror and see a troll looking back at me. So I shall be open to trying things on (except that awful mermaid thing) and we shall see how it goes.

On another note as if the horrors of trying on dresses wasn’t bad enough, apparently I need an entourage of overly opinionated family members and friends to inform me just how hideous I look in said dress and to gush at me when I finally find ‘the one’, even if I disagree with their opinions. So who do I take?

My sister – the one who has studied fashion journalism at university and as such feels she in the oracle of all things fashion and should be consulted with every wedding decision.

My mother – Who will undoubtable weep when she sees me in any dress.

My Step-mother – she is straight talking and will tell me what I look awful in, which will be helpful but I don’t need too many opinions or I will never ever pick a dress.

My future mother in law – her prosecco penchance might give her alcohol goggles which isn’t ideal when picking a dress.

My grandmother – she has offered to pay for part of the dress therefore I have to take her, but I fear she will have me in some old fashioned monstrosity that makes me look like a bog roll cover.

My dad – Definitely not! He is far too opinionated and will probably have me in a dress that makes me look like im a minion ‘because it looks funny’

My Fiance – call me old fashioned but I believe that he should not see the dress till my wedding day.

My friends – hmmm they can come as long as its not a posh dress shop that offers free bubbly, if my friends get drunk while I try on dresses I will end up in the most ridiculous dress in the shop!

So for now I have put off the wedding dress shop and will do it some time in the future. You never know I may have miraculously dropped a few dress sizes by then ….. yeah


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