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You are not alone in your nerves!

Wedding planning is an extremely stressful time and it can feel like you are loaded up with so much to do and so many decisions to make and at times it can feel like you are really alone.

Well, here at Forever&Always we have reached out to real brides to talk about their nerves and how they are dealing with them to show you all that you are not alone in your nerves!

Vanessa Faye, 24, got married in February this year and she said: "I definitely had some nerves leading up to the wedding which somehow disappeared on the big day, I was kept busy a lot during the lead up, I have a 2 year old daughter and an 8 year old step daughter!"

Bride-to-be Casey Cays, 31, said: "To relieve my nerves I am trying to remember the most important thing is that we are marrying our best friends."

Indre Kennedy, 23, said she was nervous about the day itself going smoothly but got through. She said: "I had a lovely and supportive family who made me at ease and also had a glass of prosecco to take the edge off!"

Bride-to-be Hannah Harris-Edwards, 45, is a sufferer of fibromyalgia and has been causing to her to have wedding dreams and nightmares about her day which is making her even more


She said: 'Fibromyalgia is a condition which causes wide spread pain it has many symptoms, actually over 5000, including anxiety, depression and fatigue so these dreams aren't helping me at all. I've had them where I've gone to all the trouble of preparing all the decorations and food and then no one turns up. Also ones where I've not been able to find my future wife and I can't remember her phone number and I start crying but then when I wake up I'm still crying and feel so lost. Other dreams are about my future wife turning up in a cupcake costume instead of her suit. Due to the Fibromyalgia if I get upset in my dreams then it causes pain. The dreams leave me feeling out of control and lost. The closer the date gets the worse the dreams get."

If you find yourself in a similar situation where you are having wedding nightmares or even nerves there are solutions! Hannah has found Facebook wedding advice groups among other solutions.

She said: "I love that group because even though I tell my future wife about them [the nightmares] she doesn't understand as she isn't having them herself but the ladies in the group know what I'm going through as they have them too. I've tried music by Paul Collier his music is on YouTube. Also relaxing baths and meditation."

How are you dealing with your wedding nerves? Let us know by tweeting us here.

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